The new proposal released on January 14 would require drone operators to use a parachute certified F3322 by the ASTM Standard Authority. This new standard specifies the fabrication, design and testing requirements for drone parachute recovery systems. Read More
It depends if you would like to fly the Phantom with a parachute AND its camera or not. The camera and gimbal on the Phantom 3 is about 234 grams. If you don't need the camera, a system like the Safetech ST60X (220 grams) plus the weight of a triggering system like the Mayday (14 grams) will weigh a total of... 234 grams ! So it would fly as usual.Read More
According to the manufacturer specifications, the SplashDrone 3+ can carry up to 1kg. This is without any accessories, no camera. This is more than enough to carry a parachute and its deployment and triggering system.Read More
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